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Friday, March 25, 2022

Morning Walk

"Oh what a beautiful morning...oh what a beautiful day."

After a full day of rain was a beautiful morning for a walk.  

One of our neighbors has a patch of crocus that is about to pop....and I'll be keeping an eye on them.  We're just entering that time of year where there will be new signs of life almost every day.....consider yourself warned.  

Spring may be the time of year when it's easiest to find Joy.  The colors are just soooo needed and appreciated after the monochromatic winter.  

I always love when branches and leaves are a little drippy. 

At this point...Paul headed home while I spent some times with the drips.

I loved the way the hazy sun looked through the bare trees...but only when I got home and looked at these photos did I notice the intensity of that small patch of blue sky.

I think the subtle blue spot is especially dramatic in this photo....such a nice little surprise...on our morning walk.

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