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Saturday, March 26, 2022

One Step Further

Inspired by yesterday's crocus....I did a little late night collaging.  

I'm always a little anxious to check out these nighttime projects in the morning....and this morning I thought "not bad!" 

That's not always the case.

So today I decided to take them both one step further.

I intended to stitch wonky ovals on my scrap collage like I did here.....but at the last minute decided to use the leaf stitch again...going one way then the other.  No upside down ones here!  Both ways feels right! 

I also intended to use a white paint pen like I did a few days ago....but at the last minute went for gold. 

You never know until you try....and take an idea one step further. Not bad!

The the way...were wide open in the warmth of the afternoon sun.

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