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Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Something Squishy

When I opened a squishy envelope from Roseanne and pulled out the contents Paul said...."oh my....there's another one of you." 

Yes....Roseanne knows something special when she sees it too.  This mesh was wrapped around a her Valentine bouquet from her husband....and she knew it was a treasure.  I was pretty tickled that she shared part of it with me.

It's not your typical's incredibly sturdy and has an amazing irregular pattern. It will be perfect for making monoprints on my gelli plate.

When I held it up against my window shade your could really appreciate the detail.

I only had a little bit of time to play with it today....but I can already see it's going to be wonderful for creating textured painted papers.

There was already a little subtle base layer on this piece of deli paper...but this is what the first print looked like.  I rolled the paint on the plate...layed down the mesh and took the print of the negative space around the mesh.

Then I was able to take a second print of the paint that was trapped underneath the mesh...which is called a ghost print.  Ghost prints are usually my favorites.   

This is two ghost prints layered on top of each other in different shades of blue. Because the paint was under the get the image of the mesh rather than the neutral space around it.  I love it!

And this is two first prints layered on top of each you can see why I like the ghost print best. It reminds me of an animal print.  I'll put more layers on this one to soften it a bit....but it's still pretty cool.
So much fun to come from this fabulous squishy gift. Thanks Roseanne!

I actually think some of the best magic happens along the edges.  I wrote a whole post called "embracing the edges" here:


  1. Haha… this made me laugh. If only Paul really knew, right? And, oh, those colors. I love the beautiful patterned shades of violets and blues. How fun is that! I’m so glad you liked it.

    1. ha ha...yes! Can't wait to play some more with it.
