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Thursday, March 10, 2022

Sports Netting

We had another one of those sticky snows overnight. Our morning walk was just beautiful.....and it was all gone this afternoon.  March snow is like that.  

I absolutely loved the way the morning sun illuminated the snow on this fence. It took my breath away.
And....the grid of the fence is a clear nod to what I'm going to write about today.

After I wrote about Roseanne's mesh fabric yesterday I remembered another mesh material I've played around with for gelli plate printing....sports netting. It's actually very sturdy.  I've printed with it in the past...but recently I tried something different.
During the water soluble class the Jayne demonstrated how she layered and stitched  sports netting using the soluble I gave it a try.

Since the netting is's a bit unruly and there is no way I could stitch right on it because it's mostly negative space. Stitching was easy when it was sandwiched between the soluble fabric.

After dissolving the fabric....I was left with the layers of netting and the stitching lines. It was cool....but I had no idea what to do with it. In the second photo it was just laying on a piece of orange fabric.

Then I tried printing with it on my gelli plate...and the outcome was pretty interesting.

The patterns look a lot like the mesh from Roseanne...
so both are going to be very useful....maybe even layered together.  Hmmmm 

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