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Friday, March 11, 2022

Surprised By Joy

I saw an image on Pinterest a few days ago I wanted to try in a painted paper collage. Then just yesterday I got a text from Ann with a great story and a pop of color that made me smile. 

So today's art experiment is where inspiration meets a pop of color....and I'm pretty happy with the outcome.

Here's the image I saw on didn't link anywhere so I can't give the artist credit.  I believe it's a fabric piece. 

  And here's Ann's photo...what an incredible setting.

While she and her husband Nariman were hiking in San Diego most of the landscape colors was earthy browns and greens. Then all of a sudden they came upon an amazing patch of bright fuchsia flowers.....and the first thing Ann thought of was "surprised by joy."

This was the nudge I needed for my art experiment.  

Using some textured green papers I made with Roseanne's mesh and stencils....I glued 3 torn pieces, flowers, and stems. I used 3 or 4 different sets of scraps so there would be variety of colors and textures. I didn't even think about it this point they seemed random and messy....I was going for loose.

Next I cut them into strips.

 I glued the strips onto cardstock using matte medium and resisted the urge to embellish....sometimes less is enough. I forget that sometimes.

I am giving these "frame" cards a try I picked up at Michaels....I think they work pretty well and I'll offer them as an option in my class.  The stitching helps give them stability...they're little floppy without it.
I think there will be more of these to come....
I have some other options in my head. Surprised by joy!


  1. These colors are singing my name. Maybe this is another class?

    1. Who knows! But I actually think I just taught it here!

  2. It is certainly a 'surprised by joy'! Funny that when I saw the first photo of your card, I was thinking that it would make a great quilt. :-)
