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Saturday, April 16, 2022

Life Lines

If Easter or Passover is something you celebrate...I hope your weekend is filled with family and things that bring you joy.

The forsythia is starting to bloom around the neighborhood....the explosion of yellow is a sure sign of spring.

Paul and I walk past this stump almost every day as we head out of our condo complex.  Today we stopped and took a closer look...and it did not disappoint.  I love the curvy, almost flowery shape....and the stump was full of colors....textures...and life lines

It's larger that it looks here....and the roots spread way out.  I should have taken a context photo.

It actually looks like it was two trees that grew together.....making it even more interesting.  

Some of these these marks and lines are probably from bugs...and others from age...and wear and tear.

I loved the almost inky splotches on this section.


I'm a big fan of looking's good for my own life lines.

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