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Friday, April 15, 2022

Unexpected Surprises

It's always a good day when it's filled with unexpected surprises.  

This morning I found this photo from Linda in my least a dozen finches taking turns at her feeder. 

Paul spotted this odd little plant in front of the steps at the pond....not sure we've seen anything like it before. It looks like a tall skinny mushroom.

I plugged it into my Picture This app this evening and found out it's field horsetail....and can be quite invasive.  I'm wondering if I should pull it up. It's kind of cute...or is it odd.  I think it's both.

And I had to cross the street to check out this shrub....the color and long gangly branches drew me in. I love to see up close how things awaken.

And I was pleasantly surprised about how interesting it was. The Picture This app told me this is a smooth leaf willow.

And a few surprises came in the mail too....including this card and artwork from art buddy.  
It looks like spring....the first thing that came to my mind was purple crocus.

And....a card and gift from Susan...from Scotland.  I talked about our recent Zoom visit here:
Susan repurposed a children's board book and created a six word story book inspired by the a shared project with my Wisconsin friends.
Here are a few of Susan's creative pages....I love it!  

I love these paper flowers.

Different aim...seeking joy! Thank you so much Susan!
What a great day full of unexpected surprises!

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