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Wednesday, April 6, 2022


I found the perfect snippet in my stash for today's post. I encourage you to REad it....and let it REsonate. (I couldn't REsist....sorry)

I love these "RE" words: revitalize, rearrange, renew, refresh and revive as often as you need want to.

As the seasons change I often look back at my photos for a look at "this time last year" to see what I might expect.

When I revisited early April photos from 2021 I was reminded of a beautiful carpet of purply blue star flowers on Abby Lane.... that's where we walked this morning. The blooms were a little further along at this point last year...but this is a good start. They make my heart sing.  

And I didn't know at the time....but I captured a rainbow from the morning sun. We will be walking Abby Lane frequently.

And today I revisited an old familiar process as a "cut" version of a painted paper garden.

Simple shapes...simple's good to revisit a rainbow.

I also revisited the Cul De Sac comic today....and here's Alice's explanation for how she turned her green dinosaur into a fuzzy pink Alice-saurus.
An abomination?....or cute?  Most definitely cute! REally cute. 
(someone make me stop!)

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