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Tuesday, April 26, 2022


Someday my little patch of bloodroot might grow up to look like Linda's. This is an impressive little patch....thanks for sharing your spring with me Linda!

Every day I wake up with a long list fabulous and creative things I would love to do....and I want to do it all. But we all know that's not possible...and some days are just scripted for us.  

Today was Condo Board day from start to finish...but that's important too.

But after hearing from Kate...I want to make trees again. I've been through several tree phases...and I'm pretty sure I'm not done.

Kate lives in England, and we got connected and acquainted through an Izzy Moore textile online class and now she follows along the blog. Kate knew I would love her trees...and I DO!!!  Just look at all that texture!

I've zoomed in to study them closely....and she told me she used a combination of automatic embroidery stitches and free motion stitching.  I'll have to play with trees again.....someday!

I did do a mad dash yesterday to create Nancy's May handwritten heart calendar page so I could get it in the mail in time. Simple...but finished. Maybe someday I won't be so last minute. 

This one includes a painted paper scrap and some Angie handwriting cut into hearts. And...a little zig zag stitch stamp.

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