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Sunday, May 22, 2022

New Perspective

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder....even a dandelion can be beautiful given a new perspective.

Paul and I came upon this lawn that had a carpet of dandelion seed heads on our walk this morning....and it stopped me in my tracks. 

I will admit that I'm glad it's not my lawn....but I did enjoy pausing to look closely.  I do have dandelions....but not like this. We have to embrace our weeds in the city of Portland...because we can't use chemicals to treat them.  I do try to hand weed some of them out....but there is no way to keep up.

When I really got close....I was fascinated with the textures and patterns.

I didn't notice the purple violets until I uploaded this on my computer....
you have to look closely. They're there!

Look at those little come places it looks like a little yellow chain. You just never know what you'll see when you look closely.

I've had a whole new perspective on dandelions today.....
and you can tell I had fun with it this evening.

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