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Saturday, May 21, 2022

I'll Be Watching

There's something very energizing about a group of people working together to get a job done. I'm chairman of the pool committee...and we try and spruce things up every spring. We had a great turnout...and got the job done done in less than an hour.  

Here I am waiting for my fabulous work crew to scrub the pool furniture at the condo.

And here's my trusty sidekick....who happily helps me with all my duties.  

I know I've mentioned before that Paul's sister Alyson and I exchange photos every evening of things that catch our eye.  Mostly nature....but other things slip in too....there are no rules. 

This photo Alyson sent yesterday took my breath away. Everything about this scene is just perfect.  
Denver has already had several 90 degree days.....and it's been full on spring there much longer than it's been here.  

But Paul's sister Liz took this photo out her window today....yes...a blanket of wet heavy snow. It broke branches and I'm sure did a number on the blooming gardens.  It's the middle of MAY for goodness sake. 

In the distance are the community gardens in the complex....and Alyson and a friend have a plot.  Today it's covered with snow.....but it will warm up again quickly and the snow will melt and the clean-up will begin.

Although I couldn't have easily talked myself out of it because I was tired....I did go for my after dinner walk. 

I ran into a neighbor and we walked together for a while.  Dan's destination was this maple tree he's been watching....and although I've walked by it 100 times...this is the first time I really looked at it.  

The darker green branches are actually attached.

The lime green color was just amazing....but as I looked closer I realized that the leaves were variegated. I'm not sure I've ever seen a variegated maple tree.

I did a little research this evening....and if your interested...I think is the answer to why some leaves are dark and other variegated.

I'll be watching this beautiful tree from now on too...
I wonder what it looks like in the fall. Thanks Dan!

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