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Friday, May 20, 2022

Something New To Watch

What a difference a day post booster funk is over....and although I can't quite say that I was robust...I was totally functional.  I got some chores and errands done and had a nice visit with Margie.  

This time of year the blog is mostly about gardens and can spring not be celebrated!

We inherited two lilac bushes in the is dark purple...and one is the standard lavender color. I'm pretty excited that they're starting to bloom

I love the smell of lilacs in the spring.  

I think the previous owner planted them to hide the ugly utility box.

They really don't get enough sun because of the large tree to the they're little scruffy.  A few years ago we cut the dark purple one on the right all the way down to the ground and let it start over. This is the first year it has blooms again and the shape is much better.  I think we may do the same for the lighter purple one or at least do some major pruning.  

I may not have much foliage yet....but I'm pretty excited about the pink rain lily bud coming up.  As a matter of fact I think there are a few poking through. 

The pots in the back are always a little sad at the start of the season. The two on the left are the white rain lilies and the two in the blue pots are the pink ones.  I'm giving the small white one away and there are more pink bulbs in the garage to give away or plant.  

The other two small pots in the front right are Acidanthera, or Peacock Orchids....which are in the gladiolus family and were a birthday gift from my sister Marilyn. I started the bulbs inside and I'll transplant these to the garden when I'm sure the danger of frost is past.

The new growth is quite lovely....slender stems with red bottoms and green tops.  
This is what they'll look like....I think they'll be fun.  And now that I think about it I remember I mixed a few in with the rain lilies when I repotted them. It's fun to have something new to watch.  Thanks Marilyn!

This was finished on Margie's board....and the photo doesn't do the colors justice....the lighting is a little funny. It's a beautiful puzzle and I can't wait to have it on my table!

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