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Monday, May 30, 2022


Back when our boys were little Paul helped them pick out a lilac bush for me for Mother's Day. They chose a variegated variety...called Sensation.  

I'm sure I have photos...but it was it would be a chore to find them....but I remember it vividly.  I planted it at our home at the time which was a church parsonage....and when we bought a house a few years later I moved it. It thrived at the corner of our screen porch on Hallmark Road.....and I absolutely loved it.  It was hard to leave it behind when we moved into Portland.

This morning we walked by a Sensation lilac patch....and it took me right back.  

This one seemed to be both pinkish....and purplish.....I loved all of it.

The sketching and watercolor class is officially ending and I squeezed in the last assignment today. (not my best work)  We were supposed to pick something made by machine...not from nature.  I picked something silly....but some of you may remember that I am quite fond of this particular Scotties tissue box.  It's been discontinued....but I still have a stack in my closet.  Phew!  


  1. Great job on the tissue box! Those lilacs are fabulous! I’ve never seen them in person only in garden magazines. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank! The Scotties box is kind of silly....but it was fun. Yes...the lilacs ARE fabulous!
