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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Much Appriciated

I've been a little out of sorts all day.  I can't really explain it....except that some days are like that.  And on days like this a beautiful bloom is especially appreciated....and we have a few clematis blooms on our pool fence. 

Yesterday I got up close and took a look.....I'm never disappointed when I do.

Not only does the flower unfurl...the center does too.  Look at this center still tightly wrapped......

....and this one is just starting to open. I'm going to keep an eye on it.

And just today when I checked I found another bud starting to open.  I wouldn't really call it looks more like cutting into an interesting and beautiful piece of fruit. 

No matter how I describe what's happening....on thing for sure is that it was much appreciated today.   


  1. I do so enjoy reading your blog! I have been trying to adopt your attitude on my daily neighborhood walks (much later in the day than yours:) ... and try hard to notice all the happy things I see.

    :) Linda

    1. Thank you so much Linda....I'm so glad you enjoy reading along. That warms my heart! There is so much to "notice" out glad you're looking too!
