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Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Whirlwind Tour

Paul and I often comment how blessed we are to live in such a beautiful part of the country....and there's nothing more fun than sharing it with friends.

Today I gave Patty a whirlwind tour of some of my favorite spots that were new to her. Spending the day with a friend soaking it all in was good for my soul.

We started in Portland checking out the lupin field on the Easter Prom in front of the East End Elementary School. This experience alone is worth a post all on it's own....but it was just the beginning of what ended up being a fabulous day....and I'm taking you along.  

We made our way across the bridge to South Portland. We drove by our old house and down into the little downtown area....then made our way to Bug Light Park.  Many of you know it's one of my favorite spots.  Although I didn't snap any has a great view of Portland across the harbor.  

You can't go to South Portland without going to Scratch Bakery....I hope Reid and Patty enjoyed the cookies!  This is the first time I've been in since the renovation...and it's lovely!

Unfortunately we were too late for bagels....I like to have some in the freezer.

I showed Patty the free parking at SMCC for Willard Beach....and we took a peak.  Paul and I used to live just a mile from this's just the right size for a nice little walk.  It was so good to lay eyes on it again.
We headed to Cape Elizabeth making a quick stop at Fort Williams Park.  Patty had been to Portland Headlight....but not to the little rocky beach and picnic area at the other end of the park.

Next stop was The Lobster Shack.....a restaurant on the rocky coast with a magnificent open ocean view.  It was a little too chilly to eat outside....but we had clamcakes and fries inside....still with the great view.

There's a little side beach next to The Lobster Shack where we sifted through the stones looking for tiny little pieces of seaglass. I chatted with a woman years and years ago who was doing this....and it's been a little zen thing for me ever since.

Or final stop was the junk beach...with another sweeping view of Portland.  It's an odd place....and like no other beach around....and often times a favorite for those who visit.

It's hard to explain the junk beach until you see it....and one section is covered with metal shavings from an old factory. It's kind of mind boggling.

This is a shot of the beach from another trip.  The tide was a little higher today so not much beach exposed.

This was the list I made this morning...and we checked everything off except Kettle Cove....Patty was pretty sure she had been there before. Thanks Patty!  What a great day!

Whirlwind Tour


  1. Makes me what to visit. Just have to ask what are your paper beads wrapped around? Intrigued to try something new to me.

    1. Maine is a beautiful place! I wrap my paper beads around a knitting the edge with glue and pull it off. I would love to help you more if you contact me by email using the contact form along the side of the blog. Also, if you click on "paper tubes" in the labels, you'll get all the posts where I talk about them. There is lots of "how to" there. Please contact me if I can be helpful.
