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Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Fabulous Women

How lucky am I to have sisters who I love to spend time with....and a group of creative and fabulous women friends who feed my soul.

I've known Becky since I was 5.  We have a shared past growing up on farms and attending a small country school. And...we have supported each other through all kinds of pivotal moments in our lives.  

Becky never lets me forget how much better life is with me in it....and I try to do the same.

Last night we gathered with three other fabulous women. I did the year long 4 x 6 card exchange with Becky and Brenda and this was the first time Brenda and I actually met in person. Tracie and Rosy, Becky and I were in a book club together when I lived in Madison; Tracie and Becky and I did the 6 word story exchange years ago and we've had several art days that included Rosy.  And....last night we talked about starting some new creative exchange together. 

All four of them worked at the same elementary school and we all were teachers.....and still are. These women remind me how why it's important to share creative ideas and lucky are we!

Becky, Brenda, Tracie, and Rosy

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