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Wednesday, June 15, 2022

This and That

A little of this....and little of that.  That's the theme of this trip....and this post. And it's all joyfully good.

A little touch of farm on our morning walk.
Over the years I've been sending Becky little 4 x 4 photos of my rainbow assemblages.....

and it was fun to see them all lined up on the wall in her project room.

I'm in awe of Becky's organized art supplies and love seeing her artwork.  

Her alcohol ink projects are amazing.....

....and I just love flipping through her coloring books.

Angie's elm tree is planted right across the street from Tracie's house....and I got to see it in person for the first time a couple of nights ago.  

And Paul is doing a good job giving me bloom updates from home.  It makes me feel him and my garden.  Thanks Paul!

The Bowman's Root is beautiful.....
...the yellow daylily is showing off.

And the rain lilies are loving the warmer weather.  Things are going to look drastically different when I get back home.  

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