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Thursday, June 16, 2022

Knee High

One of the sayings I remember from growing up is "knee high by the 4th."  That was a good benchmark that the corn crop was off to a good start....and it looks like it's going to make it this year.

Becky and I drove to Edgerton, our hometown, to see her sister Anne who is somewhat disabled.  We met my brother-in-law Tim there who is going to help remake Anne's steps so she can get into her backyard. It warms my heart that he is willing to help.....he can do anything.  People helping people....that's what it's all about.

We drove familiar country roads....and stopped at The Fulton Store where Becky and I used to meet on our bikes to get treats.  It was 1/2 way for both of us.  The store is a cute little restaurant and market now and we had fabulous breakfast sandwiches.  
Fulton is also where the church is where I went to youth group.....lots of memories here. It was....and still is...a thriving little country church. 
I love the open farm country....always a treat to visit.

While Becky was in a meeting I styled a cupboard at the top of the stairs.

We both wish we would have taken a before photo....because it was quite a transformation.  I shopped the house and collected handmade pottery from her kids, children's books, and a few other treasures to honor a bit of the past.

Now she can tweak....and add to it as she finds things.  I just got her started.   

My sister Angie's friend Marilyn inherited Angie's rain lilies....and she sent us Miller sisters this photo today.  The lilies are THRIVING....and it warms my heart.  

They too...are knee high by the 4th.

1 comment:

  1. Wisconsin farmland- that's where my heart is, as that's where I grew up as well. Thank you for all of the lovely pictures.
