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Friday, June 17, 2022

People Helping People

Becky and I spent our last full day with her daughter Emily....helping with all kinds of projects around her new house.  

Emily and Keegan had not hung one piece of art....because they "were waiting for MaryAnn." 
We hung almost everything.....and accomplished a ton more. I'm exhausted....but my heart is full.'s OK to go home.

One of the many things we did was hang this collage wall of "space" themed canvas art pieces in their living room.  The wall is the pieces stair-step up mimicking the angle of the wall.

We also reconfigured the whole space...and it's really starting to feel like a home.

Emily and Keegan have the BEST treehouse in their backyard!

Just as I was writing this post this evening Emily sent this photo with this caption:  "The house has a warmth and coze that it's never had before."

We hung a bulletin board in the corner of their living room.  It's going to be a great spot for Christmas cards, love notes, or anything else that captures their eye.  Who has a bulletin board in their living room.  Keegan and Emily do...and it's perfect!

And I have to report on the absolute transformation in Becky's sister Anne's backyard. Anne, who is disabled could not get out of her house into her backyard with her dog.  

In a day and a half...Tim, my brother-in-law, planned, built, and installed these beautiful and safe set of stairs for Anne.  My heart is full.  People helping people...that's what it's all about!  Who can you help today?

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