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Saturday, July 23, 2022

Hot Pink

It's hot here.  Is it hot where you are?  

Speaking of hot....last evening I checked out Patty's hydrangea during my after dinner walk. The hot pinks...and purples were so beautiful....and I took the time to look closely.  

This flat leaf variety have big blooms around the edges and a cluster of small blooms in the middle.  Each of these teeny tiny buds will open into a teeny tiny little flower.
Look Closely!

This afternoon Paul and I took a little drive to York, in southern Maine to drop off Linda's white rain lily.  It had two more buds coming and I really wanted the next blooms to open in its new home. She's going to love it.  I hadn't seen her and David for a very long time....and it was just a delight.  They both have a very special place in my heart.

And I got to lay eyes on her pink rain lily....she calls it Miss Lily.....and it's full of buds. It may not be hot's more bubble gum pink....but pink is pink.
Linda and David's beach home was full of we only stayed a few minutes....but long enough to walk through the gardens.  I couldn't believe how big and beautiful Linda's meadow rue was....the tall wispy pink on the left.  

And Janice's pink rain lily is on round  5!  

All this pink....couldn't couldn't make me happier.  

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