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Sunday, July 24, 2022

Second Look

You know I'm a big fan of looking closely....and now I'm a fan ot taking a second look.

I mentioned a few days ago that I cut out all the birds from a 2002 Audubon calendar.  My lazy housekeeping habits paid off....because today I took a second look at the scraps that were still sitting in pile in my TV room.  A more fastidious housekeeper would have gotten them right to the recycling right away.

What I found were not only more beautiful images....but clear evidence of where the calendar came from....and now I love it even more.

Using two sizes of punches...I punched up all the interesting parts of the calendar that were around the me a plethora of beautiful squares to collage with.

The calendar had renderings of birds in trees, marshes, and the background paintings were just lovely. They were full of soft and earthy colors....and sweet little nuggets like this pinecone. And they all coordinate beautifully together.

Totally worth the second look....don't you think?

Then the 2nd...."second look" find was clear evidence that this 2002 calendar was Connie's.  She had written in dinner dates with familiar friends and family, trips to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, and various church activities.  I didn't meet Connie until 2009, so this is more evidence that she was just like me....saving old calendars she knew would have a purpose one day.  And the funny thing is...a few years before she died....I got her into punching squares and making cards. Once she started, she couldn't stop and she would have loved punching up this calendar! 

For those of you new to the blog, I met Connie when we first moved to Lexington...and she became a dear friend and mentor.  I was her friend, but also her decorator, gardener, errand girl, art buddy, and ultimately one of her caregivers. 
Connie's things are scattered all over our home and pieces of her furniture are some of my favorites. She's a voice in my head on a regular basis and her warm and generous presence is always in my heart. She was a fellow putterer.  

If you put her name in the search box in the upper left hand of the blog....dozens and dozens of posts come up of our adventures together.  

But this where I introduced her here on the blog...back in 2015:


We did some good stuff together.  
Here's a calendar I made of her artwork back in 2017.

Connie loved her balcony garden.  One year this little pile of plants, along with a fall clematis....
became this. Location Location Location!

And here's how it looked from down below.
I enjoyed my second look at my Connie posts. 👀


  1. These little snippets are beautiful, especially in that the bird collage. Love that! What a wonderful connection with your dear Connie. It sounds like she was one special friend. 💚

    1. Thanks Roseanne! She was a pretty special lady and had a huge impact on me.
