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Monday, July 25, 2022


Waiting teaches me to find gratitude in the present moment.  

I don't wait well....just ask Paul. I often get antsy and restless while I matter what I'm waiting for.  Because of that....I can lose the ability to appreciate something wonderful that might be right in front of me.  I'm working on it....I sit at the puzzle table.....or watch the birds....and try to just enjoy the stillness and quiet in the waiting.

I like to sit outside on the patio in the early morning with my coffee and morning computer rituals.  But it was a little humid so I sat in my other morning spot on the couch....where I have a view of the backyard through the patio doors.  

When I sat down I could see that one white rain lily bud was still closed up tight....I've been waiting for it to bloom. By the time I finished my morning was open.

There can be the waiting.

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