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Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Calendar Connection

You know how I love a good connection here I go.

Margaret sent me this photo yesterday....and it made me smile.  Margaret has always collected nature things....seed pods, feathers and stones. But after following along with the blog...she couldn't resist picking up this tiny human-made found object displayed here with her lovely bottles.  

You have to look closely to see looks like a little red heart. I don't know what I love more....the heart...or the fact that Margaret is widening her collecting circle.  And don't you love those three cobalt bottles that are wired together on the right.  It's got me thinking!


It was time to get Nancy's August calendar page in the mail....and believe it or not there is a connection with this calendar page....and Margaret.

Since I was on a roll with the bird collaging....I decided to just go with it for Nancy's August page. I was still able to incorporate a handwritten heart....the theme of the year.

Here are the connecting threads:

This calendar came from Connie--- 
Connie introduced me to Muffy who is another artist I admire and have talked about frequently---I took an art class from Muffy and Margaret also took the same class---After the class Margaret started following the blog and has been in touch off and on for the past year. 

So now, Nancy will now be connected to Margaret.  Cool...don't you think!

It was Margaret who told me that this was an oak gall...I just found this one still attached to the oak leaf.

I found the one I wrote about here....exactly a year ago.

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