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Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Wandering Wednesday

"Not all those who wander are lost." J.R.R Tolkien
This quote just came on a card from Becky....I've always liked it.

It wasn't  Field Trip Friday....but Paul and I took a little drive this I'm calling today A Wandering Wednesday.  

I gave Paul a State Park pass for we're trying to take in as many as we can this summer and fall.  Today it was Two Lights State Park...just 30 minutes away.

We have been there before....but it was a LONG time ago.  We were pleasantly surprised at how beautiful, accessible, and quiet it was...hardly any of us there! 

The rocky coast and the open ocean views were spectacular....with dozens of benches and picnic tables tucked in here and there. Paul and I are most certainly going to go back...with a picnic.

There are short little walks around the park...with easy trails and stone stairs. We tried to scope it all out....but we're don't think we saw it all.

I like to give a little location context for our field trips....and I kind of like making these maps.

It's right around the corner from the Lobster Shack a spot we frequently take guests. The little beach I just took Patty and Liz to to pick up glass pebbles is next to the Lobster Shack. It was about time we drove down into the State Park Section.

And in honor of our Wandering Wednesday....I assembled another simple bird calendar collage. The colors capture the coast so well....and don't you love that leaf?

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