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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Yellow Story

Could I be more excited about a new puzzle?  

I think not. 

I absolutely love the latest from Philippa's puzzle club.  I've been slowly color sorting the pieces and putting together the border over the past few days.

I'm starting with the yellow pencils...and am going to move along from right to left across the top.  Linda would be proud!

It was fitting that Philippa recently published a tutorial on a photo app she likes to use...and I did my first Instagram "Story" using the "Unfold" app and her yellow prompt.  This was my first frame.

I'll need to experiment more...the app gives you all kinds of format options...and to start I just stuck with a double image in each frame for my first go at it.

And I will admit that Instagram Stories are a bit of mystery to me....they are only in your feed for 24 hours and then they disappear. But the app saved the photo images of the frames so I'm going to share them here. 

I love learning something new and playing with photographs of color!

Here's my Yellow Story.......each set of two up and down were a page in the story.   

And my last page was a bit of a stretch....
I had to add a little rainbow....
and of course a little joy!

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