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Friday, July 29, 2022


"Happiness is not a place, it is a journey.  You do not 'arrive' at joy, but you can strive to create it in small & enjoyable ways." Adam J Kurtz

There is something about this line-up of warm yummy colors along one of Patty's gardens that makes me smile.

It might have something to do with the's so inviting along walkway that leads you to her front door....and it has a path that leads to her backyard. With the woods (the other end of my woods) as the makes it even more special.   

At both ends of this flower bed are these triple orange day lilies she moved from her previous home.

I love that they've had a journey...and they're incredible.  And I'm quite fond of that tiny glimpse of her line-up of blue pigs in the and blue are complementary colors. 

The warm colors were the inspiration of this little bird, yellow, red and pink.  I used punched squares from some other calendars and a few gel prints.

And speaking of warm colors....I finished the yellow pencils.... 
and I'm moving onto the greens.

And speaking of birds.....look what was finished on Margie's board when I visited!  Thanks Melodee.....we're working our way through your pile of puzzles!

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