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Saturday, July 16, 2022

Sea Glass Pebbles

Maine is a beautiful place....and the Portland area has a lot to offer. Other than spending time visiting with us and Margie, the only thing on Liz's sightseeing wish list was looking for tiny little sea glass pebbles at the little beach next to the Lobster Shack in Cape Elizabeth.  So that's how we spent our evening.  

When Liz was here last year we went to this beach and she started filling a little jar with these tiny glass pebbles....and wanted to add to it again this year.  

Do you see it?  You're going to have to look closely.....

  ...a tiny piece of light blue. Quite a find!

I was pretty excited to find a nearly perfect heart rock.

Little Charlie helped out and found several pieces for us....he was just a delight.  Good Vibes indeed from Charlie and his mom! He was the highlight of the evening.

Here's my haul in my little red bucket....and other than the heart's all fair game for Liz's jar.  I'll take a closer look at what we found tomorrow.

I don't ever think I've seen the seaweed quite this lime green on the rocks. They glowed in the evening light.

Life is good on the coast of Maine!

We took a little detour through Fort Williams Park on the way home....and this little rock family caught my eye.

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