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Sunday, July 17, 2022

99 2/3

Liz and Margie are numbers people.  They keep track of things....make lists....and look for patterns.  

Margie keeps track of how many different people she eats with in a given week at her Independent Living Facility and enjoys seeing how many new words she can make out of one single word. She marks 1/2 birthdays and remembers dates when important things happened in her celebrate or contemplate each year. I'm lucky if I remember my actual birthday.

Liz mostly looks for number patterns. It pleases her that her sister Alyson got married on 12/12/12, and my son Nate's birthday this year was on 2/2/22.  She noticed that everyone in her nuclear family have birthday months with 30 days and looks for licence plates with interesting patterns. She tries to estimate her grocery bill and one time came within 2 cents, but then found 2 pennies in the parking lot. So of course....she thinks she "nailed it."  

Are you  wondering where this is going?  I mentioned that Margie celebrates 1/2 birthdays.....but was also excited that Liz would be here for 99 2/3 birthday.  So....we ran with it.

Yesterday Liz delivered this invitation.  "Happy To You" is a how my son Nate used to sing the Happy Birthday that's what we sing or say at birthday parties.  "Happy To" is 2/3 of that.  

2/3rds of her children were present...and we even had 2/3 of a candle.  

We have a Happy Birthday banner that we have used in our family since our kids were little....and today we spread 2/3 of it out on the table: HAPPY BIRT!

We sang "Happy To" to Margie....and although she should have only eaten 2/3 of her waffle....she did manage to eat the whole thing. So did the rest of us.

We had a great day!  Happy 2/3 Birt Margie!

And it just happens....that 2/3 thirds of the buds on Linda's white rain lily are you see the third one coming?

And here's a little follow-up on yesterday's sea glass pebbles....
plenty to fill Liz's little bottle. 

In addition to my larger heart's a few more tiny ones.  


  1. What a wonderfully fun celebration idea! Shouldn't we "celebrate" every day? Not just one day every year? My son had a 1/2 birthday celebration in preschool as he has a summer birthday- and he loved that as a child. He still mentions it now - and he's 29! 2/3 of a candle- hilarious!

    1. Indeed! There's always something to celebrate! It interesting what sticks with us from that your son remembers his preschool 1/2 birthday celebration. Cool!
