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Monday, July 18, 2022

Tattered Edges

"I want to be beautiful the way worn-out things are: touched by time, and proud to be rough around the edges with a story to unknown

This puzzle might not be touched by time....but it certainly have a story to tell.  

Liz and I finished up the puzzle a few days ago....then played around with placing the coffee soaked pieces where we could.  Here it is without the damaged pieces.....

....and here it is with all its tattered edges. Even with its's still beautiful.  

And everything is beautiful in the right lighting.

I feel that way sometimes....proud to be a bit rough around the edges....but look OK in the right lighting.  

Remember the puzzles from Melodee?  Margie finished the telephone one just before Liz arrived. It's colorful and fun....and no tattered edges here.


  1. Thank you for bringing joy into my life every day! Your joy of life and simple/ whimsical things/moments reminds me SO much of my mom. I hope that I am like her!

    1. That I might remind anyone of their mom seems like the best compliment I could get. Thank you so much for the words of encouragement. Looking for simple joys everyday is possible for everyone who chooses to pay attention.
