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Thursday, July 7, 2022

The Orange Chair

I chuckled at Kathy's response to yesterday's post. She also had a recent spill and  paused to watch the spilled milk puddle grow....then waterfall off the table onto her rug before she took any action.  Sometimes you just have to watch the magic happen....for better or worse.  Embrace the bumble!  

"There is still time to build a world of peace, of easy words and bright rooms, where everywhere we go we will be home."  Story People

I've had this quote on my desktop for months waiting for just the right post. Today was a true puttering day from start to finish....and I spent some of in a bright room....falling in love with my home again.  

I puttered in the yard this morning...weeding the long shrub side of the condo...then did some deadheading and trimming.  It was delightfully cool and my trusty soil knife made for light work.  I don't do ANYTHING in the garden without my soil knife in my hand.  

It's from A.M. Leonard and it's my all time favorite tool. I plant with it, I weed with it, and with the serrated edge I can cut roots and cut back plants with it.

Then I puttered inside all afternoon. I've been working fixing up the the guest room when I've had time...which is almost done, but today I tackled the TV room off the living room.

The room had become a little bit of a plopping spot....and for full disclosure I'm including a before photo.  I've been working on hanging things for years....and just never finished. I hadn't even really cleaned it in a it was time for some love.
I finished hanging some things I wanted up....which takes me a while because it's a trial and error process....I do a lot of auditioning.  I dusted everything and gave the room a good vacuum.  The games and toys probably need to be edited....almost every children's item we own is packed into this room.  But it's going to stay full for now...I think it's cozy.....and now it's also clean and as tidy as it can get.

In case you are wondering what that thing is in the middle on the's my stepper. 

I found a spot for my 4 colorful panels I covered with IOTA wrapping paper.  You can read about them here:  The geometric patterns go well with the print behind the chair and now the corner is more balanced.

Some of you may remember me writing about the blue's been orange since January and is a nice contrast to the dark blue walls.  This is my spot every evening where I write my blog post and watch TV.
I love my view from the "orange chair"..... of two bright rooms that feel like home.

And....I finally found a spot for my Widgery Wharf photo by Eric Storm, a Portland based photographer. 

This photo Eric posted on Instagram inspired me to explore this colorful wharf along Commercial Street in Portland in 2020...and I wrote about it here in this post called Widgery Wharf. I purchased his photo to honor and remember that day.....I had a blast exploring someplace new. 

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