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Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Beach day

"Whatever is good for the that."

I spent the morning at "Jane's Beach" in Ocean Park.  It's always a good day when it includes a good friend AND the beach.

Jane's front garden was quite an explosion of color....and welcome!

We took a low tide beach walk...then sat under the umbrella and watched the waves and beach people. It was a lovely day....with a nice breeze.....good for the soul.  Did that!

I do love a colorful umbrella!

Jane's ledge of colorful bottles takes my breath away....every time.

And it's always nice seeing a project that I'm proud of....a stained glass piece I made for her bathroom years ago.

Jane's gardens are always beautiful....but the hollyhock in the backyard are what caught my captured my heart....and this bumble bee likes it too!

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