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Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Shared Art.... a good thing.

When I was in Wisconsin....Becky, Brenda, Tracie, Rosy and I talked about doing some sort of an art trade.  

Although Rosy is sitting this one out....the rest of us landed on a simple creative exchange during the month of July.  

Each of us drew some sort of a design on a piece of watercolor paper using a permanent black pen.  We cut it into 4 pieces...kept one...and sent a piece to everyone else.  Then we colored, painted or doodled on each of the pieces and sent them back to the owner. We all ended up with our own little 4 piece puzzle....with art from all of us.  Does that make sense? 

Here are the pieces I worked on.... from Tracie, Becky and my little square....and this last one was from Brenda. On Brenda's you can see the technique I chose....white acrylic paint resist before I painted.

Here's Becky's....I dotted the background with white paint before I water colored.

I do like how the watercolor stains the white paint a bit.  

Here's Tracie's finished puzzle.....

...and here's Brenda's.  I had no idea it was going to be a bird. Surprise!

Here's Becky's.....she used a stamp and permanent ink for her image. We all followed the same color they coordinate almost perfectly. little landscape.  

Shared art is a good never know what you're going to get.....and there might even be a little surprise peeking through.  

We've actually decided to give it another go.

Just this evening I put mine in a little snap frame.....
...and put it on my desk in the guest room.  Yes....I'm actually using this desk space...and the more things I have to enjoy while I work here...the better.

It sits next to this little greeting card I bought years ago....and it couldn't ring more true.  "She thanks her lucky stars!"  

That would be me....every single day. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆


  1. What a fun and doable art share exchange. Thanks for sharing. Lily

  2. Oh my goodness! What a wonder project, I am totally impressed, each finish piece is amazing and what a lovely keepsake of your friendship.
