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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Blog Worthy

I've spent the better parts of two days working on on Condo Board stuff...important work...but not very blog worthy.  

But on my morning walk I came across these Japanese maple seed pods.....they really stood out against the sea of green.  And it won't be long before the green is taken over with reds....oranges and yellows. blog worthy. 

But another blog worthy report is that Brenda, Becky, Tracie and I are going to do another shared art puzzle exchange. You read about our last one here:

We all have our pieces from each other...the small square is from Tracie, the larger one is from Becky.....

....and this one is from Brenda.  

I've got Becky's almost done...and am going to work on the rest over the next few weeks.  A Labor Day finish is our goal. I'm trying to be a little more creative this time...using a couple different techniques....but I really can't share anything else until we all finish and everyone gets theirs put back together. 

This is my little piece.....which is a mandala type design and I kept the lines very simple so we all would have a lot of freedom.  I got started before I remembered to take a photo....but these lines are just an under doesn't give too much away.

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