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Thursday, August 25, 2022

See It Through

A plant showed up in my garden this spring that I didn't recognize....and didn't plant. I have limited garden space at the I'm pretty picky about what gets in....and what get's to stay. I love blooms....but it HAS to be a handsome plant if it has a spot. I had no idea what this one was going to do...but I decided to see it through to find out....and I'm so glad I did. 

There are a few explanations how it got could have been a new weed, or seeds or roots that came as part of a transplant from my sister Nancy's garden. But what I'm going with is that it was a gift from Mother Nature. She's full of surprises.  

This photo was taken mid July. It's the plant in the center....getting kind of leggy....and not so handsome.  But I remained patient because I was determined to see it through.

By early August it was starting to bud...and on August 10th I started to notice a hint of purple. I was excited to finally some color.


Then is started to teeny tiny bud at a time.  


At this point....I used my Picture This App....and found out it was a Devil's Bit Scabious and mostly found in meadows and riverbanks. Certainly not the conditions I have in the backyard.  

But it's been fun to watch.....and I think it gets to stay.  

It's really hard to photograph the whole plant because the flowers and leaves are so small the camera can't focus unless I'm up close. There are LOTS of I'm going to get to enjoy it for weeks.

And are some fabulous art pieces from readers across the Atlantic.

Susan from Scotland made her first Kawandi quilt....then turned it into a little sewing pouch....such fun!  Well done Susan!

And Kate from the UK....who took the Swirls of Color Class with me made this fabulous card for her festive and fun!!!

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