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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Color Inspiration

Even just handling fabric feels creative. 

Roseanne sent me a few color inspiration photos....and I'm sending her some fabric scraps. We're both interested in giving a (new to us) hand sewn quilt technique a try. I'll post about that it's just about color.....and I love that she chose magazine and catalog covers as her inspiration.

She loves purples and greens.

It reminds me of my painted fern with the purple veins...and my purple coral bell.

She also loves and teals and pinks.....

with a few blues and purples thrown in. Variety is the spice of life.

I love when my friends send me photos of what they're making....and it warms my heart when they're inspired by the blog.

Roseanne punched up a painting for a little square collage too.....and there's that raspberry pink she loves.  And her little doodle flower card is adorable!


And Lynne made some folded paper collage cards.....
I love the mixtures of papers!  Great color inspiration! 

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