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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Game Changer

"Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength."  Sigmund Freud

I felt a little discombobulated this morning. But during a visit with Margie we both unpacked our stuff....and we were reminded of our strengths. I felt better....I think she did too.  

I just love these glimpses of fall.....isn't this leaf spectacular!  Look at all those colors!

I'm trying to make a little time each day for art....and today it was a little weaving project. Mostly because I wanted to try out a new tool.

Roseanne introduced me to this German weaving tool....a game changer for paper weaving. The end pinches open to grab a strip of paper...or maybe a piece of fiber (I hope).

The metal tool is so much easier to maneuver through the strips.

I ended up turning it into Nancy's September calendar page. I can't believe we're already 1/2 way through August! Where does the time go???

The warp strips (vertical) are a page of Angie's handwriting that I painted....and the weft (horizontal) strips are other random gelli prints.  
The theme of Nancy's calendar has been handwritten hearts.....but I also worked in one of the little black and white birds from Connie's calendar I cut up a few weeks ago. Having my calendar page done and in the mail 2 weeks ahead of schedule....that's a game changer too! 

Tracie sent me her first "repurposed painting punched collage" inspired by the blog.  
I couldn't love it more!

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