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Monday, August 15, 2022


What a delightful day I had....bookended at both ends with good friends.

I had breakfast, a walk, and a great catch-up visit with Martia this morning.....a long time teacher friend that I've reconnected with in the past few years.

I was drawn to this fading sunflower on our walk....and filled Marita in on the concept of wabi-sabi: embracing the circle of life...and the beauty of imperfection.  

There is so much evidence out there right now of rounding the corner of summer....and some days you can just feel...and hear the coming of fall.  The fading sunflowers do that for do the sound of crickets.  Did you know that crickets are mating this time of year?  That's why we're hearing them more.  And their chirps are faster when it's hot...and slower when it's cold.  

This particular sunflower stalk...had every stage....a bloom going to still in its prime...and one just getting ready to open.  The circle of life....all right here in one spot.

And at the other end of the day I had a delightful dinner and evening with Patty on her patio....just down the street.  I just followed the parade of blue pigs....they make me smile every time I see them.  

Did you know I grew up on a pig farm in Wisconsin? I'm quite partial to pigs.  

I settled right in....with a beautiful view of the berm....

....just loaded with gorgeous hydrangea.

What a delightful bookended kind of day!

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