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Sunday, August 14, 2022

Sense of Satisfaction

Every year about this time Paul spends a week at a Colorado mountain cabin with his seminary buddies.  They're more like brothers than friends.....and they've been gathering for years.

I always tackle some sort of house project while he's away....something that's easier to do when both of us aren't rattling around the house.

Last year I finally put up art in the hallways of the condo.  I had rows of things auditioning on the floor for days....and it would have driven Paul crazy. It was a big project....but quite a lot of fun. 

My project this year wasn't fun at all...but it was something that's been bothering me since we bought the place 5 years ago.  And once I got started...there was no turning back. 

Remember yesterday's quote:  "Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure." I had to dig deep to keep a positive attitude as I removed the old caulk around our undermount kitchen sink...and replace it with new.  

I'm going to insert photos of my fabulous white rain lilies throughout this post.  They were fully blooming exactly a year ago....and the photos may soften this silly story of my ordeal adventure....which was not very photo worthy. 

Paul hates these DIY jobs more than I do...and I've tried to find a handyman/woman since we've moved in with no luck at all.  So after a few youtube videos....and a little bonding with the guy at the hardware store....I took the task on myself.  

It may sound like a simple project....but if you haven't done can't judge. It was harder than I thought...especially with my limited skills and experience. I even had to watch a youtube video on how to get the old caulk tube out of the gun....and how to insert the new one. I'm better with a glue gun.

It took parts of two days to dig out the old caulk and residue....and completely clean out and disinfect the grimy crevice.  Then I had to wait 24 hours for it to completely dry....and this morning I took on the recaulking task.  I'm glad no one was was a comedy of errors....but it's done. And now I wait again....while it cures.   

Most of you may understand why I couldn't do this with Paul around. I made a big mess....and had to use the sink carefully so I wouldn't get the crevice wet again or disturb the drying caulk.  The kitchen is Paul's domain when he's home....and it would have been tough.

People notice....and sometimes  even comment on the artwork and photos in the halls of my condo. But I guarantee no one....except maybe my cleaning lady....will notice the caulk.  Not even Paul.  

But it's done...and I can stop obsessing over it.  And....there is a real sense of satisfaction having done it myself.  


  1. I admire you for getting that nasty job done! Mission accomplished! I also find it easier to work on some things when the Hubby is out of the house. :)
