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Saturday, August 13, 2022


"Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure."

I'm in the middle of a daunting kitchen project (more on that later)....but I was compelled to play a little bit with the birds I cut out yesterday. It helped shift my attitude a bit.

Using some scraps from a Gudrun's World catalog I revisited something I tried years ago....and came up with a little card.  Here's just a glimpse. 

I've done lots of projects with these catalogs....and this is one of my favorites.  I wrote about it here in this post called "Spring Catalog:: 

This particular catalog had lots of watercolor images throughout.  

The process is pretty simple. 

I folded over little scraps of the colored papers, overlapped them and secured them with just a bit with a glue stick.  Then I stitch them onto a piece of lightweight interfacing....row by row.  

I inserted the whole thing into one of my little frame cards I had on hand....and the little birds heads tucked nicely in between the rows.  

I added a little row of stitching around the frame to keep everything in place and help the card lay flat.

After looking at that project I did a while back....I'm auditioning some folded triangles with the birds to add a little interest. I like them....but I'll sit on it a day before I glue them in. 

I've done lots of projects using recycled materials....including the rolled paper project at the header of the blog. If your interested you can view some of the projects by clicking on the label "recycled magazines and catalogs" along the side of the blog.


  1. What a wonderful project this is. I'm loving all the colorful papers!

    1. Thanks Roseanne! I can't resist anything with color! And I especially love using recycled materials.
