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Friday, August 12, 2022

Colorful Birds

I meant to share this gorgeous puzzle that was finished on Margie's table when I visited yesterday.  It's another one from Melodee....the gift just keeps on giving.

Margie and I both agreed that the colors didn't look this vibrant in the box....but they were a showstopper all put together.  I'll look forward to it on my table someday.
They're the same fabulous colors of these birds.  

I'm chomping at the bit to do more creative things...but my day got away from me. I did take a little time to cut out a few more birds I found for collaging. These are from a little poster by artist Geninne Zlatkis and I'm looking forward to working them into some pieces.

I'm sitting on the patio as I write this post....and the birds are going crazy at the feeder and in the birdbath.  The air is cool and there's a nice breeze....I feel so lucky to live in such a beautiful place....and have a great spot to watch the colorful birds.


  1. Mary Ann, I just found your blog on Pinterest from a post you did back in 2017. It was a beautiful piece of yellow fabric art pieced and applique in yellow fabric with the word Joy printed on it. A very pretty peace indeed. Now I'm here visiting your blog and so happy to find out that you're still blogging and still creating and enjoying life. Anyway all I have to say right now is that I'm happy I found you I want to follow your blog and I'm looking forward to becoming good blogging friends. My blogs is not near as interesting as yours but please come visit, if you have a mind too.
    Have a sweet day,
    Connie :)

    1. Oh my....I'm not sure how I missed this. Thank you so much Connie....nice to have you on board. I'm always interested to know how people find me. Pinterest continues to be a great resource for me too. Thanks for reading along!!!
