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Thursday, August 11, 2022

Spirals and Curls

Some of you may remember that Alyson (Paul's sister) and I text each other a photo or two...or three + every evening.  We share the love of nature...and all things quirky and beautiful.  It's a great way to connect in a positive what sometimes is negative world.  

Lately Alyson has been sharing squash spirals and curls from the community garden where she and her friend Mary have a plot.  

I think the spirals are incredible....I couldn't love her photos more!  Here are some of my favorites.


It's never ceases to amaze me how plants and animals have unique characteristics that help them grow and thrive.  

Squash vines grow long and the fruit can become heavy. In order for the emerging squash to get enough light and space...they need to crawl and climb...and these little tendrils grab onto anything they can for support.

Speaking of vegetables.....I'm getting about 2 sungold tomatoes a day

My plant is growing quite tall....and it would actually benefit from some tendrils to grab onto this support stake.  I think I might actually benefit from tendrils....and I KNOW I would love a few curls.  


  1. These photo are pure art. Finding beauty in things that are otherwise ignored is a true gift.

    1. Thank you Connie! I have lots of teachers who have helped me learn to look closely. It's changed my life!
