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Friday, September 23, 2022

Bluebirds and Birthdays!

There's another Becky birthday coming tomorrow....September 24th.  Becky and I have been friends for most of our lives.....and we've supported each other through a lot of challenges and celebrated a boat load of joys.

So Becky, if you're reading this on Saturday...Happy Birthday my friend!     

Back in 2015.....Becky and I tried to take a selfie...and we kept going until we got one we I liked. We never got there. Becky looked great in all of them....but I was 25 pounds heavier and generally hated any photo of me. But we laughed and laughed....and I've never had the heart to delete them.  It's such a good memory.  And FYI....this isn't even all of them.

I spotted a little pop of orange on our walk this you see it in?

I was pretty ticked to discover what a treasure it was.  Could this mushroom be any cuter?

Wondering how the bluebirds fit in?

Patty informed me that September 24th is also Bluebird of Happiness Day. Who knew!  Paul and I had a regular bluebird family all summer long....and we became quite attached.  Bluebirds are associated with joy, luck and happiness.....and we all could use some of that!

So just for fun....I digitally perched a little bluebird on my toadstool.  
Happy Birthday Becky! 
Happy Bluebird of Happiness Day to the rest of you!

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