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Thursday, September 22, 2022


"Ah, September! You are the doorway to the season that awakens my soul."  Peggy Toney Horton

Today is the autumnal equinox......the day when there are equal amounts of day and night. It rained all day here in Maine....but as I'm writing this the clouds are clearing and the beautiful evening sky seems to be saying "welcome fall!"

And the beginning of fall means a string of friends and family birthdays. Tomorrow, September 23rd, would have been my sister Becky's 70th birthday.

This photo was from the last time Becky visited in November of 2012....I think she was a little unsure about the lobster. She died just a few months later.

Things weren't always easy for Becky....but she always faced whatever was in front of her with courage and a positive attitude.  She had a zest for life and generous heart....and she loved to celebrate. I'm sure she celebrated the autumnal equinox!

Happy Birthday Becky!

Paul's sister Liz's birthday is coming up too....and every September since 2015 I've made her a reader desktop calendar. So this the 9th one!

Since there is a chance she will read this...I won't share all the images until after her birthday.  But this is where a bit of my creative energy has gone in the last few days. It's really just cutting and pasting on my computer....but I do have fun with them. This year I used a more neutral theme.....just black and white or sepia toned images I found online.

Happy Joyful Equinox!

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