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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Pops Of Orange

There's nothing quite like a pop of orange to add some interest....especially this time of year.  

I thought this monarch butterfly was a nice focal point on my collage card. covered up a trouble spot. 

I bought a couple small rolls of leftover monarch butterfly wallpaper at a thrift shop for $1 a couple months ago....I knew they would come in handy someday. 

There are three sheets...all different sizes and views.....
and the paper is nice and thick.

Here's another pop of orange here....but mostly I wanted to share that I have more white rain lily blooms at one time than I have all summer.....and there are still more coming.  
There is one maple tree in the backyard that always has a couple of branches that turn early.  This one is down in the middle....the other one is way on top. 

Lots of green still....but I do love that tiny pop of orange. tiny pop of yellow/orange in the woods.

Paul and I took a picnic to Fort Williams State Park to celebrate the last day of summer. 
And of course we had to stop at the Bug Light Park....
the evening sky was lovely over the water.

Casco Bay was busy!

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