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Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Joyful Puttering

This beautiful bloom from our morning walk is another match for yesterday's post!

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by what you didn't do than by what you did." Mark Twain

Paul's cousin Caren tagged me on this social media post....and it made me laugh out loud!

Yes....I do dozens of little chores projects that no one ever knows about or sees....and have no other purpose than my Joyful Puttering.  

Life might be simpler....and certainly tidier around the Shupe household if I did more chore puttering than projects puttering. I AM an expert at avoiding chores.

I'm working on a bigger project that involves a lot of ephemera....but today I used some of the scraps to make a card using the fusible interfacing technique again.  I tacked the scraps on the fusible backing with my's such an easy technique to create a background. There were a few pieces on top I used just a touch of glue to keep them in place....but stitching was absolutely needed to secure everything.

This time I stitched a grid.  I'm not sure I love it...but it's what I did.

I auditioned a few focal points.....

....and landed on these hand cut painted circles.  I wish I put them a little higher.

Like many of my puttering's only marginally successful. Maybe it needs a bird. 

I do regret those bold words being right in the middle....I'll have to mull this one over. 

Maybe it looks better this way.

After getting a text this evening from Roseanne with a link to cute got me thinking about knocking some of the bright papers down with a little distress ink from a stamp pad. 

I should have done this...and some other embellishing before I stitched it into the card.....but I'm getting ideas....and learning lessons that will help me with my bigger project. More on that coming in the next few's part of our next shared art project. 

I do have an idea for a pop of color that might pull this card together....but that needs to wait for the light of another joyful puttering day.

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