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Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Formatting and Fiddling

Both Paul and I both noticed a difference today in the woods....even from yesterday.  

It may have been just the lighting....but you could feel fall creeping in.  All of a sudden there were as many browns, oranges, and yellows on the forest floor as there were greens...and the lower angle of the sun changes everything.

And happening in the neighborhood!

Liz's birthday has come and she has her 2022 4 x 6 desktop Reader Calendar.  I thought I would share the pages since it was one of my puttering projects in the last few weeks.  

I make two months at a time side by side in my "pages" program....these are screen shots of those documents.  I have a file of reader images I collect throughout the year....and I've made templates for the months that I adapt for each year.....then it's just cutting and pasting....and formatting and fiddling.  I kept it mostly neutrals this year....with just a touch of color here and there.  One of Liz's favorite colors, after all, is gray.

I decided December needed a little color.

Every year I thank the artists who photograph or create these reader images.  I never sell these calendars....they are just for the enjoyment of the whoever receives them. I have, at times...used my own the three scrap collage calendar I did for Becky for 2022:

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