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Tuesday, September 27, 2022

I've Got Mail

"Don't wait for the perfect moment....take the moment and make it perfect."

I put three postcards in the mailbox today for the shared art trade with Becky, Tracie, and Brenda.  We'll see how these little art cards survive their journey to Wisconsin.  More on them to come....I really enjoyed this project!

And....I took something very special out of my box too.

It's a good day when you can say:"I've got mail from Scotland!"

Susan sent me a lovely homemade card and a beautiful fall bookmark.  I love having art friends all over the world! 

Thanks Susan!

Paul and I seized the perfect moment on this spectacular early day and took a field trip to Wolfe's Neck State Park.....a 244 acre peninsula in Freeport Maine.

It's only 30 minutes from home....and neither one of us remember having been there before. It did not disappoint.
Quintessential Maine coast view!

There were trails all along the water with these little views through the trees that were just spectacular.   

This island was an Osprey humans  allowed.  
Do you see the nest high in the trees?

There were several places with paths or steps down to the rocks along the water.

Down this particular path....Paul went right....

And I went left. 

It was a good day in Maine today!

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