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Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Full Circle

I love a full circle moment!

I couldn't have been more excited to get a couple of photos from Barbara of Eliza and her repurposed circle mobile I stitched.  

She's growing up so fast....and looks like a 1st grader! Her smile....made me smile.  

And I noticed a couple of my cards on the mantle....that made me smile too.

I learned from Barbara's texts that the repursed circle mobile story has another layer to it.....or maybe I should say the circle has another ring.

The wrapping paper Eliza used to wrap her artwork she sent me was also repurposed.  A mutual friend of ours....Peggy McKibben...gave Eliza's new little sister a baby gift wrapped in this very circle paper.  

Peggy is a member at Hancock Church our former church in Lexington....and she was a dear friend of Connie's.  I got to know her over the years and she became a dear friend of mine.  I wish I lived closer to visit her more often. 

So Eliza repurposed the circle wrapping paper for the gifts she gave to me....and I repurposed some of it back in a gift to her.

You can't make this stuff up.

This afternoon I closed circle...and made a card for Peggy. I used a little of Eliza's art...and of course...some of the repurposed wrapping paper.....making it a full circle back to Peggy.

I'm chuckling that I actually used 1/2 this full circle project.  

 And to broaden the circle just a bit....I added one of Connie's calendar birds......remember....Connie and Peggy were dear friends. can't make this stuff up!
But you can hand make....a full circle moment.