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Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Off The Hook

 My brother Doug posted this 1970's photo on mom is in the middle and my two grandmothers on each side.  They were all such amazing women....and I wish I would have had more time with them as an adult. 

I still have vivid memories of those curtains....a perfect 70's decorating statement....I thought they were so cool!  My mom always loved decorating and making a house a home....our farmhouse always felt warm and inviting. 

I enjoy that I carry her with me all the time.

I'm well on my way with my latest puzzle....and enjoying every quiet minute. There's a cup of tea or coffee in many of Philippa's photos and the fact that my cup is in most of my puzzle photos seems just right.

And in the puzzle image are her Conscious Creativity Cards.....and there are mine in the corner of the photo above.  So I drew a card with the color of the red books I just finished....

.....and it's probably just what I need to hear.

I'll let this one sit here for a while....until I find another hook.

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