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Saturday, September 17, 2022


"If you ever forget how much is possible, consider that inside every acorn is the possibility of an oak tree."   Curly Girl Design

It's been a few days since I've had time in the I'm celebrating some of my felted acorns today.

The acorn caps around the heart came from way of Janice.  Thinking of you today Janice!

Paul and I headed south this afternoon to visit our son Sam and see his new apartment in Lynn, Massachusetts.  Things are going well for him.....and life seems full of possibilities.
His new place is a loft apartment in an old warehouse....

...and the space is perfect for him.

After a nice dinner....we took a side trip out to the island of Nahant and got a little dose of coast.  It's just a few minutes from his apartment....Sam loves being near the water with easy access on his bike.
The sun was setting over the bay....with the skyline of Boston on the horizon. 
What a fabulous day!

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